I'm in the process of teaching two people how to quilt and three people how to knit. The three knitters-to-be were surprised that I was able to teach myself how to knit in one evening with a few YouTube videos. It is a pretty complicated craft, especially the start of a project.

This got me thinking.
Are learning different sewing crafts similar to learning foreign languages? When I was in high school spanish class, our teacher - Señora Michaels - kept us motivated by saying that the first foreign language you learn is always the hardest. It's the most difficult because so much is new - from the concept of verb conjugation to the massive amount of new words. Similarly, is the learning curve for the first sewing craft steeper than the second of third? I believe so.
I learned how to quilt when I was a sophomore in high school, thanks to my high school boyfriend's mom (hello Mary Jo!). Last summer, when I learned how to hand embroider (thanks to my bonus mom, Andrea!), I already knew a few basic stitches and was familiar with needle and thread motions (thanks to quilting). When I learned how to knit, knowing basic knots (embroidery) and being familiar with how patterns are written (quilting) were instrumental in my understanding knitting.
So for all those that might be getting frustrated with learning a sewing craft for the first time ... keep going! It will only get easier. Learn another sewing craft when you master this one.
Since I claim to be a sewer (ha!) ... here's what I worked on this weekend ...
A diagonally-knitted blanket - with stripes! I had started this previously, but had to take it out because I skipped a few stitches. It's two-tone pink with white and dark gray. Pattern here.
I'm plugging away at my improvisationally-pieced red/black/white quilt.
I'm at a deciding point. To border in white? or not (see below)?
I made the bottom right corner block this weekend and I like the wider, simpler borders. Maybe I should make more like this? Or maybe I should scrap all the blocks (use them for the back of the quilt) except this one and make all the remaining blocks with this 'look'?
Any ideas?
Sorry for the horrendous photos.
I like them without the borders..
I like them both!
I'm not sure if the learning curve itself is less steep with the 2nd hobby/craft. For me it's more that I'm more accustomed to being a student and learning and more comfortable with that process.
i think both quilt options look prety nice. i think it depends on which look you're going for. with using the white borders it will look more organized with a distinct pattern. the second option will be more busy and random. i think making some with the wider, simpler borders might give it a nice mix of both. it would still have the random and improvisational look while maintaining some consistency throughout the quilt.
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