Friday, October 16, 2009


The boots are out – it can only mean one thing.
Hunting season.

Tomorrow Corey will venture down to Linton/Strasburg/Westfield, ND, for pheasant hunting with my grandpa and uncle.

While they are hunting for pheasants, I'll be hunting for baby bargains at the twice-yearly My Friend's Attic sale. I'm still completely overwhelmed by the baby product jungle, but I'm hopeful that I'll know a good deal when I see one.


Brooke said...

Widowed with ya sister. Mine is in Utah, deer hunting for 12 days...

Jessica said...

You can call me any time. Even if it's from the sale. One of the best things to look for at baby consignment sales are shoes and boots. I have some friends who swear by it because some toddlers go through a shoe size every 2 months (from about sizes 4 through 10). Because of this the shoes are hardly used at all. Luckily for us Gianna takes about 6 months to go through a size and it's hard to predict much but if you see some gender neutral snow boots for a great deal-go for it (especially where you live)!

PS Got your note-I was hoping that would be one of the first outfits you got. It was too cute to pass up.
Seriously, call me if you have a question about a stroller brand or any play equipment.

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