Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I have a new scarf.

My first knitting project - a pink scarf with a white stripe - is finished. I started with about 17 stitches and finished when it reached 70 inches. I've been wearing it the last few days and it keeps me toasty warm. We're supposed to get another storm this week and some very cold temps (highs of zero) so this will come in handy. 


I had some extra pink and white yarn (and an extra ball of gray - an impulse purchase) so I'm tackling a small knitted blanket using this pattern. This pattern is actually what motivated me to learn to knit in the first place. I'm fascinated by the diagonalness of the stitches. To start knitting it, you start with a corner and sew your way across the quilt. I'm about three inches in from the corner and already it has "that look." I'm going make it striped with the white, gray and pink. So neat! I'll post a photo tomorrow.

I guess I'm getting pretty hooked on knitting. I went though my quilt room (all fabric) garbage can and recused the long skinny pieces (about 1/4 to 1 inch by 5 inches or more) and sewed them together and I'm going to make a knitted rug. I'm excited about this because these are all pieces that were literally in the garbage and now they'll be made into something useable. I still need to collect lots more but I already have a little ball made of the fabric strips. 

1 comment:

Cami said...

Beautiful! And I love the white stripe. I'm still working on my first scarf, praying that I get it done before Spring arrives.

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