Thursday, February 5, 2009

My vicarious trip to Hawaii

My dad is required to travel to Hawaii for work. A lot. Like monthly. He's got a bazillion frequent filer miles to prove it. Anyway ... my mom likes to tag along. Who wouldn't, right?! So they happen to be in Hawaii this week and my mom took some amazing photos.

It's still winter here in North Dakota, with another snow storm forecasted for this weekend. So what do ya' say ... want to join me on a vicarious trip to Molokai, Hawaii?

Come, lets go.

Ahhh. Feel the sand between your toes.

Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I may even have this one framed.

What?! Where did the beaches go? um. mom? what's this all about? 
Apparently these are little tee-pee houses with a rooster tied up to each one. There are lots of roosters and chickens in Hawaii. I know, I don't understand it either. 

Moving on ...

Apparently there is a leper colony below the cliffs. A small town called Kalaupapa. Originally it was a refuge for suffers of Hansen's Disease (leprosy). There are no active cases of it today, but the current residents are descendent families of those affected by Hansns's Disease. Interesting. Another framer possibly?

My mom said that with a sunset like this, she was on the lookout for pirates. Good call, mom. Let me know when you find 'em.

Look at the beautiful turquoise colors. Quilt idea maybe?

According to my mom, this is the biggest town around. Kinda reminds me of Linton, ND, except with huge mountains, a tropical climate, and a beach, of course.

Yet another breathtaking sunset.

My mom calls this one "little town in the fog." I like the literalness. My mom's cool like that. We get along very well.

My parent's and this road didn't get along very well. They almost bottomed-out the rental car and almost got stuck a few times. But, according to my mom, the road took them to a cool beach. Bonus!

Hope you enjoyed the trip. 

Don't forget, to see a photo larger, just click on it, and it will open in Flickr. Then click on "all sizes."

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Thanks for posting those pictures, I want to be there so bad, though maybe not as bad as you. Thomas' stepmom's got a cousin who is a Franciscan monk and lives there with the people of that old Hansen's colony. Last time he was visiting he told us all about it, very facsinating huh?!

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