Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sometimes the most simple of things seem the most difficult

I've been humming and hawing over making an electric heating pad cover for the past few months. The one that came with the heating pad is a butt-ugly blue color and it's scratchy. So, I decided to make one. 

That's where things got tricky. I googled and googled but couldn't find a good pattern or instructions. I almost gave up and resigned to the fact that I'd have to use the wretched blue one. Forever.

Tonight, after one last unsuccessful google search, I got a wild hair. I "winged it." I made my own, without any help, pattern, or sample. I totally overestimated the difficulty. It was a piece of cake. Actually, it's quite possibly the easiest thing I've ever made. I used some extra quilt fabric and a piece of red rick rack. No lining, just 100% cotton fabric. It came together in about 10 minutes. I can't wait to wear it out so I can make another one. Ha.

Here's a shout-out (is that what the cool kids say these days? All of a sudden I'm feeling old) to my bonus sister, Maria! Happy 16th birthday!!!

1 comment:

Nichole said...

looks good! don't you just love those projects that end up being way easier than you expect?

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