On Friday, July 6, we gathered with the Dutch relatives on my mom's side for the Vander Vorst and Van Beek reunion. The reunion was at the SuperSlide park in Bismarck.
This buggy belonged to my great, great grandmother, when she lived in Westfield, ND (southwest of Strasburg/Linton). My sister and I met her when we were very little - we don't remember much about her except that she had a neat rocking chair and lots of farm cats. The buggy was on loan for the day from Lawrence Welk homestead/museum in Strasburg. Small world ... Corey's dad grew up at a farm next to the Welk farm.
Bob and Kristen and kids
cowboy Parker
Caleb, Madison and Parker
three of my all-time favorite people.
We took Kya on the super slide first because we were sure she'd like it. We were wrong. Very wrong.
For the remainder of the evening, she strictly avoided all rides (even the jump house) by at least a 50 yard radius.
So, that gave us 'big kids' a chance to use up all the ride tickets Corey bought for Kya.
The Zundel/Hager bumper car rally.
I'm pretty sure Kya gets her scardy-cat traits from me.
At least she had two fantastic pals to hang out with.
Ferris wheels are now on my 'do not ride' list.
With Ronda, my aunt.
My cousin Lauryn, enjoying the action.
On his last ride, Parker impressed us with his expert race car driving.
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