July 3
The Independence Day celebration started on July 3 at the long-standing Doll and Pet Parade in Mandan, ND. The parade is held on Main Street, adjacent to the Art in the Park event with talented artisans and tasty food. I couldn't ask for a better setting.

These girls (and their humongus cats) made me laugh.

The cutest kiddos: my cousin Lauryn, Kya, and my cousin Parker. Thanks to my mom and grandma for the fabulous wagon decorations.


It was HOT. The kids cooled off with a celebratory lolly pop on the curb.

Love those pink cheeks.
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July 4 - Independence Day 2012

The parade.
Every year we make a point to see the parade. It's a rare year that I sit through the entire thing (especially now with Kya along) but it's a must-see at least in part.

Did I mention it's a family gathering?

I always cry when the band goes by. I have no idea why. Love it.

More bands. My tear ducts got another cleansing.

After the parade we spent the afternoon at the river and enjoyed the company of the Vander Vorsts ... and fabulous food too. In the evening we went to my uncle Bob's house to watch fireworks. Kya was scared of the "big booms" this year, so she cuddled up to Grandma Z and got a cozy cat nap.
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Photos from Grandma Z's iPhone

Kya's radish harvest (from her garden)

Corey and I playing wiffle ball in our driveway

At the Party on the Prairie Johnny Holm concert in Mandan on July 3 (Corey is in his official Mandan Party on the Prairie attire)

"you know it'll be a fun night when your father in-law shows up with Cubans"
(at Party on the Prairie)

Grandma and Grandpa Z, Corey and I took Parker and Kya to Raging Rivers (the water park in Mandan). We had a blast! It was a perfect way to cool off on a hot summer day.