Lots of family time, lots of giggles from Kya, lots of delicious food, lots of special gifts, and of course ... lots of love. We are so blessed.
We started the Christmas festivities with a tour of the best Christmas light displays in Bismarck.
This outrageous display was a must-see, and a good place to get out of the car and walk through and see it closer up - especially fun with Kya and Grandpa Z.
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On Christmas Eve we drove down to Linton to spend the day with the Hagers at Grandpa Andy's house.
Kya had so much fun playing with cousin Connor.
This photo cracks me up. Connor was such an enthusiastic "helper" that his dad had to reign him in a few times.
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Christmas morning was spent at our house with the Zundels. Corey, Kya and I went to Mass and then returned home for more gift opening.
Santa brought Kya a hat, boots, and a pony!
a very happy cowgirl!
Santa also left Kya a note
Thanks to Corey for capturing this special moment. It was magical watching Kya on Christmas morning.
Grandma Katy made Kya a princess dress and gave Kya (her first) Barbie doll. Oh my, she is growing up to quickly!
I gave Kya a special 'Bison Booties helper' gift - a toddler sewing machine! This is a vintage toy I bought on eBay (they are not made any more).
Thanks to her new doctor set, Kya thinks she is our resident doc. Very entertaining!
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We spent Christmas afternoon/evening with the Vander Vorsts at my uncle Bob's house in Mandan.
Bob's surprise gift for grandpa - a mounted deer
The Vander Vorsts
The Zundel/Hager folks
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