Last week, Corey had the opportunity to travel to Atlanta, GA, for training for work. I jumped on the chance to tag along. To make the deal even better, my mom (aka: super grandma) was able to make the 30-hour trip from Kodiak, and stay at our house with Kya while we were away.
Although I missed Kya dearly, I was happy to not have to pay for a full price airfare for her, or juggle the active two-year old during the flight. Dare I say air travel was actually relaxing?! I read a book!
. . .
Corey and I arrived in Atlanta mid-day on Saturday, April 28 and departed mid-day on Wednesday, May 2.

We traveled via subway/MARTA from the airport to our downtown hotel. Upon arriving downtown, we got to ride this extremely long and very steep escalator. It was a scary experience for me.
After checking in, we headed out to explore the area.
We visited and toured the World of Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is a major sponsor of the Olympics and they had a great collection of official torches.

the wall of Coca-Cola products and brands

The vault where the 'top-secret' Coca-Cola recipe is kept safe

anyone remember 'New' Coke?

I especially liked the tasting room where we got to try Coca-Cola beverages from all around the world. My sister and her husband honeymooned in Peru and suggested we try IncaKola - we did - and it was very sweet but tasty.

Coca-Cola has started releasing this new and very high-tech soda machine. In this single machine, the customers have the option of serving themselves over 100 different beverages.

Olympic Park is just across the street from Coca-Cola. It was a hot day and this park was packed with locals enjoying the water and activities. It was very fun for us to visit and experience. Kya would have loved this splash park.

In Olympic Park

Saturday evening Mass in downtown Atlanta
While Corey was in classes, I explored the downtown areas and used the subway/MARTA to visit a few other areas. I also toured the 'Bodies' exhibit and the 'Artifacts of Titanic' exhibit.

Historic Fox Theater in Midtown Atlanta
On Tuesday evening, Corey and I went to a Braves baseball game

It was a fun date night for the two of us!

We had AWESOME seats!

Corey and I both tried Chic-Fil-A for the first time and we are both wishing we had access to it here in Bismarck. Yumm.
We returned home yesterday evening and after five loads of laundry today, I think life has returned to normal. Kya and my mom got along very well and grandma is know known as 'Zee' ... quite cute when Kya says it.
If you find yourself in Atlanta, you've got to eat a lot. The food was so good! Check out these downtown restaurants (we did and they were delicious):
Sweet Georgia's Juke Joint
Dua Vietnamese