Caitlyn and Grandma Rene joined Corey, me, and baby for the event. The ultrasound was amazing but the preparation for it wasn't quite as fun. I was instructed to drink 32 ounces of water one hour before the appointment and not use the bathroom until the end of the appointment. I've never been so unbearably uncomfortable.
Of course, it was well worth it!

The ultrasound tech said she is a very active baby – just kept moving the whole time. As expected, her movements resulted in a few blurry photos (see foot, above). My dad (Grandpa Z) thinks all her movement means that she'll make a great 800-meter runner. I think it means I'm going to have lots of sleepless nights.

At the follow-up appointment with my doctor, we found out that our baby girl has mild pelviectasis. Basically it is a slight enlargement in one of the kidneys. The doctor assured us it is nothing to worry about. She was actually more concerned/surprised that the lab technician said we're having a girl, because it's much more common in baby boys. Go figure!?!
The ultrasound tech said she is a very active baby – just kept moving the whole time. As expected, her movements resulted in a few blurry photos (see foot, above). My dad (Grandpa Z) thinks all her movement means that she'll make a great 800-meter runner. I think it means I'm going to have lots of sleepless nights.
At the follow-up appointment with my doctor, we found out that our baby girl has mild pelviectasis. Basically it is a slight enlargement in one of the kidneys. The doctor assured us it is nothing to worry about. She was actually more concerned/surprised that the lab technician said we're having a girl, because it's much more common in baby boys. Go figure!?!
The doctor wants to keep an eye on the kidney (in most cases it'll return to normal size) so she requested another ultrasound next month.
I know what that means ...
... another morning of an uncomfortably full bladder
... another morning of an uncomfortably full bladder
... but most importantly, another chance to watch our beautiful baby. So worth it.
Just to be sure, we'll also get a gender reading again.

Just to be sure, we'll also get a gender reading again.
Today was magical!
To answer the inevitable question - we do have a few girl names picked out but we're not sharing until baby is born. If you know me well, you know how indecisive I can be ... so this process just might take until birth anyway.
How exciting! I know I already said it, but I can't say congratulations enough. SO: Congratulations!!
Also, if it's any consolation: the bigger the baby gets the less important the full bladder for an ultrasound is.
PS When I went on my run with my group today we did 800s split into 400 at 90% and 400 rest (very "grandpa Z". Just thought that was an interesting coincidence (No, I didn't pick the workout).
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