Huge thanks to Corey's mom "Grandma Hager" for xoming to stay with Kya while we were away. Kya loved having special one-on-one grandma time and Corey and I certainly enjoyed our little break.
In the Bismarck airport - missing Kya already! I seriously underestimated how much I'd miss being away from Kya for three and a half days.
Corey was quite excited to eat at Chic-Fil-A in the Minneapolis airport (we don't have one in North Dakota).
Corey talked me into a chocolate shake. It was twice as large as I thought it would be, and about three times as expensive. Gotta love airport food.
We arrived in Seattle late Friday night. Clarice picked up us and drove us north to Ferndale (where she and Mark live).
The next morning we went to the Bellingham farmer's market. It was the BEST farmers market I've ever been to - fantastic selection of fresh fruit and veggies, amazing artisan goods, and an amazing selection of warm lunch foods. Oh and the prices were all very reasonable.
After the farmers market we had lunch at a local bagel place (yum!) and Corey had a quick beer at the local brewery.
We went for a very long and scenic walk on the trail/boardwalk, along the shore. Bellingham is a beautiful city!
Clarice and Corey
We went to Saturday Mass at a small old church in Bellingham and then had dinner at this restaurant, on the water. Again, very good food!
Clarice and Mark are in the middle of a home remodel, so here are a few photos for Corey's family - who are all anxious to see the project.
I fell in love with the kitchen island - it's made with cement and has lots of inlaid stones collected from all over the country/world.
On Sunday morning we headed back to Seattle via a detour since the bridge we would have taken was in the water. The detour was minor and as you can see, very close to the broken bridge.
We saw the Seattle Mariner's game on Sunday, playing the Texas Rangers
Corey bought the tickets and was really thoughtful - the seats were in the Hit It Here Cafe, which is basically a restaurant with great views. We had our own bathrooms, our own server, and an extensive menu. Heaven for a pregnant lady!
Corey's view
Nice to see a familiar fame - the Mariner's hot dog supplier is Cloverdale Foods ... of Mandan, Nd (only about 9 miles from our house).
Corey had one of the Mariner Dogs - all beef bratwurst with grilled onions and peppers and cream cheese, on a pretzel bun.
The game went into extra innings so we "upgraded" our seats to get a better view.
I was a little nervous about sitting so close ... didn't want to get hit by a foul ball. Corey promised to protect me. Happy to report we all made it out without an injury!
We explored downtown Seattle and the Public Market. I really liked the city - Seattle reminded me a lot of San Francisco.
The original, first Starbucks!
For dinner on Sunday night we met up with Lindsay (one of my best friends from college, and bridesmaid in our wedding) at a Poquitos, a local Mexican restaurant in the capitol hill area. It was so special to catch up - oh how I wish we lived closer.
The food was excellent - definitely authentic and very high quality.
We checked into our hotel and settled in for the night. Corey is quite good at spoiling me and booked us a room with an amazing bathtub - the water filled from the ceiling - and check out the view!
We were a little sad to know we would depart the next day but both excited to see Kya again.
Again, many thanks to Mark and Clarice, and Grandma Hager for making our trip possible. It was a very special getaway, thank you!
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