My little sweet pea.
Kya's happenings:
- started potty training and is doing very well so far
- still really likes the Sound of Music and "Do Re Mi"
- has a new fondness for Nemo, Dora, and Elmo
- gets very excited when we arrive at the library (we attend story time activities)
- says "hohoho" whenever she sees a man with any sort of beard
- enjoys most sport activities especially basketball and football
Kya likes the "hot pfff pfff" [fireplace].
She set up this afternoon picnic scene all by herself, complete with my kitchen towel.
Kya learns a few new words every day.
Today the new words were: elephant and spices. The new words the last few days have been: dirty (this one is very funny!), ice, hot sauce, uhoh, help, and poop (surprise surprise).
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