I am the only one that gets to spend countless hours with Kya every day (and for that I am infinitely thankful). This post will not do it justice, but I want to share my sweet 16-month old toddler with you.
A little back story: Kya received a "Bitty Baby" from her Uncle (and God father) Matthew. Bitty Baby is made by the American Girl Doll company and has lots of outfits and accessories. In short, Kya loves her "baby Rosie."

She sleeps with her every night and plays with her every day. I love Baby Rosie too, she is a great babysitter. Thank you Uncle Matthew!
Last week, I watched (and snapped photos) as Kya played with her best buddy Rosie.

Story time.

Snack time.
"now where is your high chair?"

Off to find the high chair (Kya drags the little highchair all over the house)
Double check that Rosie is safely strapped in her seat.
(Kya had temporarily relocated the highchair to the front entryway)

Test the 'milk' to make sure it's just right.

Make sure Rosie gets enough to eat.

Burping baby Rosie.

Our blonde munchkin is an absolute sweetheart. She is caring, sensitive (and occasionally a wee bit sassy). Kya gives hugs and kisses away all day, everyday. She says lots of words, but "momma" is the best sound I've ever heard. Kya knows lots of body parts and loves to show off her "tongue" and "eyes," which she pronounces "ice." She seems to live for playing hide and seek. Thankfully, she also loves running errands and really enjoys the fabric store (which we are in at least once a week). She is a great little kiddo at play dates and isn't one bit shy around other toddlers, although after about 30 minutes of playing, she is very content to quietly sit in my lap. Oh and this kid loves to sleep (thank heavens). She is still on a two-nap-per-day schedule and asks to go to bed. Other things Kya likes: spicy food, all food, getting dirty and exploring outside, baths, milk from a sippy cup, anyone with the name grandma/grandpa/aunt/uncle, any container or bag that she can empty, and books. Above all else, it is obvious that the best part of her day is running to the door when "Dahda" gets home.
I'm so very blessed to be able to spend my days
taking care of learning from little miss Kya. Momma loves you.