We arrived late afternoon on Saturday.
Sunday morning we spent some time at the beach, just a short walk from my parent's house.
It felt so good to be free of the confines of the airplane/train/bus.
The tide was low so we got to see a few tide pools and lots of barnacles and muscles.
Corey gave Kya another lesson in skipping rocks. She giggled and laughed so much ... we were all giggling with her.
Grandma Z and Kya explored the shore. My parent's house is located across the street from the houses you see on the cliff behind my mom. It is a great location and a beautiful setting in the trees.
After our beach time, we went to Mass in Kodiak.
Since it was a calm day, we headed out to the boat in the early afternoon.
We saw sea lions ...
some very lazy sea lions ...
and a huge sea lion. (Kodiak is in the background)
The Cornelia Marie (of Deadliest Catch fame) was in port.
Kya must be part puppy dog ... she loved hanging her head out the window in the wind and mist. Silly girl.
We were thankful to be a larger and warmer boat. These guys looked cold and crazy.
We set a crab pot (with herring bait).
Corey tried his hand at fishing. No luck.
Checking the crab pot. We didn't catch anything yet. The pot is still out as I write this ... I wonder what we'll catch?
My parents have worked really hard at updating their house/cabin. They have done a great job - it is beautiful!
Kya is already a local ... she has her own pair of baby XtraTuf rubber boots.
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