Her two favorite words right now are "dada" and "light" (light sounds more like "yite" when she says it). She is obsessed with lights. At the doctor's office this week, she saw the florescent lights with cloud covers - she was frantically pointing and saying "yite, yite, yite." Like she was trying to say, "look mom, I found a new kind of light."
Off the top of my head, her words are:
- dada
- mama
- light (yite)
- doggie
- duckie
- choo choo (we have a twice-daily train pass by our house, so this is also a popular one)
- cat
- baby
- hi
... I know I am forgetting a few, so I will add more when Corey reminds me of the ones I am missing :)
She signs "more"
She waves hi/bye and blows kisses
No, Kya is not potty trained (I wish!).
I use this casually. I just sit her down on it when I change her diaper and when she gets up from her nap. She usually "goes" so I figure it is one less diaper I am throwing away. Sweet.
By the way, she claps when she is done "going" ... ahhh the things that warm a mother's heart.
New this week: Kya's discovery of dunking food.
Today she dunked bread pieces into veggie puree. As you can see, this skill takes lots of concentration. She also like to place small bits of crunchy food onto a spoonful of food, as it goes into her mouth (like one Cheerio onto a spoonful of applesauce). This kid cracks me up.
Kya loves her bib and she is very excited when we give her the fork. So excited in fact, that sometimes she shakes it and then it goes flying. Sharp objects flying around the house are not in my list of likes. This skill will take some practice ... with a spoon.
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