Huge thank you to "Uncle Chaz" for sending me these photos. I was so busy soaking up the fun of the gift opening that I didn't take any photos. Thankfully, Chaz came to the rescue!
Yes, she still has the runny nose and the "cold" ... which I now think is croup ... but despite it, she is quite the happy little sweetie.

My cousin Parker was the helper with gift opening, and was oh so sweet assisting Kya. He is going to be a super big brother in a few months!

Kya got the most adorable polka dot helmet from Aunt Caitlyn and uncle Chaz.

On the back of the helmet, it says "I love my brain" ... haha. awesome. She is going to look so cute (and safe) wearing it in her bicycle cart this summer.

The fun mess that is required of a first birthday gift opening.

This is a wooden alligator that "claps" as it is pulled. So much fun! Thanks Uncle Jesse and Aunt Megan!

Kya will be well dressed as a mini-fisherman, thanks to my parents. It might look a little silly now, but it will be perfect for our Alaska trip this summer.
Kya put on a little show with this bop toy from Uncle Andrew. She presses the top, which makes the little balls pop. Followed by ..

... lots of clapping and celebration! Then the whole thing starts all over again. She was so darn cute. Lots of fun!

Kya's interest in walking is back in full force as she shows off here with her dino walker. She will walk until she runs into something, then we spin her around and away she goes again.

Grandma and Grandpa Vander Vorst got Kya this toy that sings and pops balls out of the hole (the one Kya is sticking her arm down).

Hilarious show watching Kya figure it out ...

"What is this for?"
Such fun! We didn't get photos of everything, but I want to extend many thanks to everyone for the great gifts and wonderful company. Thank you!