Monday, September 21, 2009

Advice needed: pregnancy sickness


Weak stomach warning!

I'm dangerously close to starting the second trimester of pregnancy - the oasis that brings most pregnant women out of the land of nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and acne, and into the land of energy, "the pregnancy glow," joy, and settled hormones (or at least that's what I've heard).

Well, I can't wait that long! The past week (I'm in week 12 of pregnancy) has been the worst for my nausea and vomiting and I'd very much like to cure myself. My nice little reminder of pregnancy has turned into a mean old nag. Here's how it works ... morning and noon I feel "ok," I make sure to eat lots of small meals and get plenty of fluids. Although I feel crummy, I keep it down. Dinner is another story - I usually feel surprisingly well, and I eat a small-ish meal (like a bowl of mac and cheese, or soup and bread, etc) about 30 minutes after eating, it all comes back up.

Any advice?
Our toilet is starting to cower when it sees me coming.


The photo above is my view on the way to work on a typical autumn day.


Jessica said...

Same advice I gave Christina....Eggo waffles. I pretty much lived on them for weeks 7-15 of my first pregnancy. They are quick, simple, bland and so fast. I didn't even bother toasting them because the smell bothered me. 30 seconds in the microwave was perfect. Or...since my morning sickness was worst when I went from horizontal to vertical...I'd lay one next to my bed at night and then eat it 20 min before getting out of bed. Seemed to make a big difference.

Oh, and I know you've probably heard this, but lemon. Lots of lemon ice water.

One of my friends swears by "preggie pops" they're little lolipops for morning sickness (they have ginger or something like that in them).

Good luck!

Brooke said...

Alright sister, this may not be what you want to hear, but my advice: 1) Make peace with it and become good friends with the toilet. 2) Don't stop trying new things!
I vomitted everyday, 3-5 times a day for 5 months. After that I was just sick but no vomitting. I'm praying that will not happen to you!! but once I stopped trying to fight it and just accepted it, life got a lot less disappointing (have I mentioned an extreme FEAR of vomitting in the first place?)
Everything everyone told me would work, didn't. I was so frustrated. So find what works for you, if anything.
The best part is when you hold that baby and watch them grow, you forget it all!!! I've done it twice and will probably do it again because they're that worth it :)
Love you and praying for you!

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