Thursday, April 2, 2009

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

Since it is April and the snow is still here (and in abundance), we're going to have some fun with it.

Let's play 'when will the snow be gone?'

It's quite easy ... just leave a comment with your name and when you think my yard will be completely clear of snow and ice. My best guess would be July 29. Haha. Just kidding. Or at least I hope I'm kidding.

Please play along. The more the merrier. There is even a prize! If someone guesses the exact day, on the nose, they will win their very own, brand new copy of The Children's Blizzard. I'm about 80 pages into the book and it's great.

Here are some photos I took about 30 minutes ago to document the snow depth.

The front yard snow pile. Thanks to shoveling and snow blowing our driveway, it's quite dense.

The deepest area of snow - the back corner. Measuring in at 48 inches deep.

The back yard tundra.

This spot is a measly six inches deep.

Thanks to my sister Caitlyn for being the official snow measurer.

One vote per person. One date per person, so if two people pick the same day, the first voter wins. Cut off date for voting is this Sunday, April 5, at 11:59 pm.

I do allow cheating, so if you'd like to come over and take away all our snow, that would be totally OK. Actually, please do that.


Maria said...

Maria--May 10th

Anonymous said...

May 16th.

Your favorite husband

Cami said...

My guess is May 3th. But I'm praying that it is sooner than that for your sake. I really do want to read that book though, so maybe I'll say a slight prayer that it works in my favor.

Don Zundel said...

Don Z -- May 2nd

Anonymous said...

June 1 at noon, Jerry Anderson

ReNay said...

***May 22***
I am counting on April/May snow.
Momma Z

Jessica said...

May 19

Cheryl Arkison said...

I was going to say May, because that is my guess for my own yard.

Barring any Victoria day Weekend snowfalls I now say April 29.

Anonymous said...

May 9th noon, Tom A

Grandma Katy said...

Hi, Well since I still have a bank on my front yard by the driveway, I say April 25th. Of course if you get rain it can all go faster, but 4/25 is my pick. Great idea.

andrea said...

My guess would be April 22nd. Great contest!

Robin (rsislandcrafts) said...

I'm going to say May 1st just because we have two birthdays on that day :)

I hope it all goes away soon though.

Nichole said...

i say may 23. it's my anniversary so it sounds like a good day.

on a side note, the hallmark store near my is holding a similar contest for the snow mounds in the parking lot of the shopping center. only they said no cheating. can't go out there with your hair dryer to make sure you win. :)

G'Pa Darwin said...

Hi Erica- my guess is may,12th our anniversary--time 4:30-grandpa Dar

G'ma Clarice said...

Hi erica, make the date April 28th, my sisters birthday,maybe I can be lucky by that. Ha.

Vicki said...

April 26 is my lucky day--my wedding anniversary and my oldest son's birthday.

G'ma Irene said...

Happy spring! May 21. I hope I'm wrong.

Jim Mellon said...

April 12th.

Jim Mellon

Anonymous said...

May 17th


Anonymous said...

OMG so much snow... and I thought Boston was cold!


Anonymous said...

it's past the date but I say May 25th. :) MISS YOU!! -Laura

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