Friday, February 11, 2011

What is toothy and cheesy and has a pink bow in her hair?


So I guess it goes without saying that little Kya has hijacked this blog for a while. Good thing she's cute.

Today the topics are Kya's first tooth, her new hair bow, her new favorite food, and her sign language ability.

First: the hair bow
It is my belief that now that she has some hair, we should celebrate it. And hopefully more people will see that she is a she and not a he.

Ahem. Mom, are you there? I would like to note that this is a clip bow, not a sticky bow. No double stick tape required!

Is there anything sweeter than a little girl with a pink bow in her hair?
I think not.

Kya was kind enough to show her her new project: tooth #1
(bottom center ... tiny white peak)

I'll let Kya demonstrate her sign language, which will lead into her new favorite food.

the sign is "more"
(it is kind of a clapping motion but it's more bringing the tips of the fingers together)

she gets really enthusiastic about it

she says "more mom! MORE! come on, what is taking so long?!"

I give her "more" cheese. American cheese slices are her new absolute favorite food in the entire world.

And then Kya's cheese party begins.

There is fun and celebration.
And then when the last piece is gobbled up ... she asks for "more" and it all repeats, over and over.
... Until I realize that she had eaten the last pice of plastic-wrap cheese in the house. I start a prayer asking that Kya not erupt into a 10-month-old tantrum. Thankfully organic baby puffs come to the rescue  and we narrowly escape!
Happy baby once again.

Exciting stuff here today.

* the mystery green glob on Kya's face is avocado *


Jessica said...

SO Adorable! You can also make your own bows and back them with a piece of velcro and they will stick to baby hair too. Although I know a lot of moms who used tape too :)

I've been wanting to tell you that Gianna talks a lot about how Cinderella lives in North Dakota. It is probably her favorite state (or at least the one she talks about most).

ReNay said...

Thank you for all the cute pictures to keep this long distance grandma happy! XOXO

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