Monday, February 21, 2011
North to Alaska
I signed up for this free Alaska travel planner book (it's not really a "book" ... more like a one-time magazine) and it came in the mail and it's definitely worth signing up for. We're going to go north to Alaska later this year, so we've been reading it with interest. That being said, I'd guess anyone would enjoy the history and photography it shares ... it's worth the price! Free!
Anyway, click here to request your free copy.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
What is toothy and cheesy and has a pink bow in her hair?
So I guess it goes without saying that little Kya has hijacked this blog for a while. Good thing she's cute.
Today the topics are Kya's first tooth, her new hair bow, her new favorite food, and her sign language ability.

First: the hair bow
It is my belief that now that she has some hair, we should celebrate it. And hopefully more people will see that she is a she and not a he.
Ahem. Mom, are you there? I would like to note that this is a clip bow, not a sticky bow. No double stick tape required!

Is there anything sweeter than a little girl with a pink bow in her hair?
I think not.

Kya was kind enough to show her her new project: tooth #1
(bottom center ... tiny white peak)

I'll let Kya demonstrate her sign language, which will lead into her new favorite food.

the sign is "more"
(it is kind of a clapping motion but it's more bringing the tips of the fingers together)

she gets really enthusiastic about it

she says "more mom! MORE! come on, what is taking so long?!"

I give her "more" cheese. American cheese slices are her new absolute favorite food in the entire world.

And then Kya's cheese party begins.

There is fun and celebration.
And then when the last piece is gobbled up ... she asks for "more" and it all repeats, over and over.
... Until I realize that she had eaten the last pice of plastic-wrap cheese in the house. I start a prayer asking that Kya not erupt into a 10-month-old tantrum. Thankfully organic baby puffs come to the rescue and we narrowly escape!
Happy baby once again.
Exciting stuff here today.
* the mystery green glob on Kya's face is avocado *
So I guess it goes without saying that little Kya has hijacked this blog for a while. Good thing she's cute.
Today the topics are Kya's first tooth, her new hair bow, her new favorite food, and her sign language ability.
First: the hair bow
It is my belief that now that she has some hair, we should celebrate it. And hopefully more people will see that she is a she and not a he.
Ahem. Mom, are you there? I would like to note that this is a clip bow, not a sticky bow. No double stick tape required!
Is there anything sweeter than a little girl with a pink bow in her hair?
I think not.
Kya was kind enough to show her her new project: tooth #1
(bottom center ... tiny white peak)
I'll let Kya demonstrate her sign language, which will lead into her new favorite food.
the sign is "more"
(it is kind of a clapping motion but it's more bringing the tips of the fingers together)
she gets really enthusiastic about it
she says "more mom! MORE! come on, what is taking so long?!"
I give her "more" cheese. American cheese slices are her new absolute favorite food in the entire world.
And then Kya's cheese party begins.
There is fun and celebration.
And then when the last piece is gobbled up ... she asks for "more" and it all repeats, over and over.
... Until I realize that she had eaten the last pice of plastic-wrap cheese in the house. I start a prayer asking that Kya not erupt into a 10-month-old tantrum. Thankfully organic baby puffs come to the rescue and we narrowly escape!
Happy baby once again.
Exciting stuff here today.
* the mystery green glob on Kya's face is avocado *
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
the curious little kya
In about 30 seconds, Kya can ...
completely empty a diaper bag

empty half a pack of baby wipes

unfold and shuffle 50 diapers

get into the bathroom (that I swear was closed) and discover how fun it is to unroll toilet paper
bonus photos for your viewing pleasure:

Kya plays withdaddy block head.

Corey was in the driveway clearing snow, so Kya and I went out to play.

Kys sends a special hi and slobbery kiss to Aunt Caitlyn, Uncle Chaz and honorable Aunt Cindi ... all loyal readers :)

We went sledding down the back hill, which Kya enjoys more and more each time

My parents got Kya this penguin sled, which is both very small and very fast. So until she is about 8 years old, she just gets to look cute on it at a stand still. She does a great job at that :)
completely empty a diaper bag
empty half a pack of baby wipes
unfold and shuffle 50 diapers
get into the bathroom (that I swear was closed) and discover how fun it is to unroll toilet paper
bonus photos for your viewing pleasure:
Kya plays with
Corey was in the driveway clearing snow, so Kya and I went out to play.
Kys sends a special hi and slobbery kiss to Aunt Caitlyn, Uncle Chaz and honorable Aunt Cindi ... all loyal readers :)
We went sledding down the back hill, which Kya enjoys more and more each time
My parents got Kya this penguin sled, which is both very small and very fast. So until she is about 8 years old, she just gets to look cute on it at a stand still. She does a great job at that :)
lots of love around here
For the first time ever, I have decorated for Valentine's Day.
I think my new-found love for the mushy holiday comes from having a little girl around. A little girl that is usually dressed in pink (because, you know, that is all they sell for toddler girls).

I whipped up a simple felt and ric-rac garland for the fireplace and filled a few old glass jars with red and pink fabric scraps. Ta-da!

Kya even got into the spirit.
She says, "who me?"
and I say, "yes, your shirt says: LOVE"

and then she giggles.
(no, she isn't jaundiced, Kya had just finished a super-sized helping of spaghetti that stained her face)

And of course, our February dishtowel is proudly displayed on the stove handle.
Kya has decided that all hanging dishtowels are hers to tear down, so this dishtowel is usually only in a hanging position during nap time.
Happy Valentine's Day!
I think my new-found love for the mushy holiday comes from having a little girl around. A little girl that is usually dressed in pink (because, you know, that is all they sell for toddler girls).
I whipped up a simple felt and ric-rac garland for the fireplace and filled a few old glass jars with red and pink fabric scraps. Ta-da!
Kya even got into the spirit.
She says, "who me?"
and I say, "yes, your shirt says: LOVE"
and then she giggles.
(no, she isn't jaundiced, Kya had just finished a super-sized helping of spaghetti that stained her face)
And of course, our February dishtowel is proudly displayed on the stove handle.
Kya has decided that all hanging dishtowels are hers to tear down, so this dishtowel is usually only in a hanging position during nap time.
Happy Valentine's Day!