Here on the prairie of North Dakota, pheasant hunting season is in full swing. We spent yesterday in Linton, ND, and on the way down there, I think three of four cars were full of hunters.
Well today is Sunday and we are spending (most of) it at home.

Corey and his brother Andrew are hunting in the backyard.

From the sounds of it I will be cooking up some pheasant this week.
Kya and I are spending the day in the comfort and warmth of the house.

Kya got a package from her Great Grandma Katy yesterday. In it was this beautiful sweater and matching leg warmers. Grandma was worried the sweater would be too small already, but thankfully, it is plenty big (I even had to roll the sleeves). Thank you Grandma - it is beautiful!

Oh no. I seem to have misplaced my little sweetie. Can you help me find Kya?
(by the way, she had a serious case of the giggles when I took this - can you tell?!)
Hope everyone out there is having a good Sunday! Only one more Sunday until November. We have snow in the forecast ...
Enjoy autumn.