There is only one way to describe today: strange.
For one - it just snowed at my grandparent's house (only about 10 miles from our house).
Secondly, I was confined to our house all day today. I have been sick for about a week but I didn't think much of it until yesterday when I was informed that I may have had contact with someone that has H1N1 (the swine flu). I was told that if I had any of the symptoms, I should contact my doctor. Well, since in the past week I've experienced all the symptoms, I called my doctor right away.
In short, my doctor's office took the "better safe than sorry" route and decided to treat me as if I have the H1N1 virus. They made me wear a mask and they all wore masks when seeing me. They took three nasal swab samples for testing (not a fun experience at all!) and gave me a prescription for Tamiflu. I was also instructed to not leave my house until I was told otherwise. Yesterday afternoon was one of the strangest afternoons of my life - everyone was super cautious around me. I just kept thinking how bad I'd feel if I've been infecting everyone for the past week.
Lucky for me, I'm on mend and am feeling pretty darn good except for a cough ... so being stuck at home seems rather silly.
So ... today I was home. What's a girl to do when stuck inside all day?
I made great progress on the 4-by-4 color block quilt. Now I've got a few green/aqua blocks and a few purple/blue blocks completed. These blocks take plenty of time and patience so this will be one quilt full of love (and time).

I just can't get enough of the red ric rak. So fun.
The afternoon brought good news. My doctor's office called and said the test that they conducted here in Bismarck came back negative. They also sent one test to the state and one to the CDC (both of those tests are more sensitive and take more time). So as long as I don't have a fever (which I don't), I have permission to be out in the world (and back at work). I was so happy to hear the good news. I think my husband will kiss me again :)
They said that just because the test is negative now, it doesn't mean that I never had it. So anyone that I have spent time with recently should pay special attention to flu symptoms and go to the doctor if they become ill.
Above all, this is a great reminder to wash your hands, cover your mouth, drink plenty of fluids and stay home when sick.
Stay healthy!
(sorry for the crummy photos, it's dark, rainy and gloomy outside)
Update: 8:30 pm
It is snowing.
1 comment:
With your permission I'd like to add your blog to the blog page of my new quilting directory, Quilt Qua : You can let me know if you'd like to be included. If you would like to be on the first alpha list, you simply need to let me know you've made mention, or placed a link on your site, back to Quilt Qua. I can send you a graphic if you'd like one for that purpose.
I try to check my lists, but if I've already contacted you, I'm sorry.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please note photos are always welcome on the Show and Tell page (right now there is a giveaway connected to the show and tell), and do let me know if I've missed your business to list on the web site!
Thank you,
Connie Colten
Quilt Qua
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