Here are a few randomly wonderful photos of our unbelievably fun summer o' memories thus far.
morning snuggles with dad
Kya's first track season! It was just in June, a 1-month program for kids 5 to 14 sponsored by the Mandan Parks and Rec. Way fun!
Family day with my sister, Mason, Corey's brother Andrew, Corey, me and our kids -- at Raging Rivers Waterpark in Mandan.
Kya has been begging us to enroll her in dance class but I was nervous about a full season commitment. So when I saw that Northern Plains Ballet has three-day classes, I signed her up. This class was "my doll and me" where they also made tutus for the child and her doll.
The final performance on the third day of class. Kya rocked it.
The dance class and their instructor.
Yup. That was a success. I see many dance classes in Kya's future.

Kya and I flew her mermaid kite last week while Gavin napped.
The first Urban Harvest farmers market was also last week so my mom, Caitlyn, the boys, Kya and I went for lunch. The boys were hilariously adorable.
I could just eat him up. Mason my nephew.

Hay bailing has become an annual event for us. We don't bail hay, but the farmers that farm the fields east of our house do. Almost all of our windows face these fields, so as soon as the bailer and tractor arrive, we get pretty excited. We wait until the farmer quits work for the day ... then we hurry down to the field for hay bale photos. Kya looks forward it every year.
Gavin got in on the tradition this year too!
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