Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Kya the rag doll

wig: Walmart under $5
facepaint: $2 Walmart
shirt: already owned
skirt: made from scrap fabric
tights: $2
legwarmer: Grandma Katy original (thanks grandma!)
bag: reused shopping bag with sewn-on fabric
Kya's second halloween: priceless

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Kya had an absolutely fantastic day making the rounds trick-or-treating to offices today. What I thought would be a quick trip in town was a four-hour morning and afternoon of fun.

The first stop was a visit to Aunt Caitlyn at Synergy Health Group (Jones Physical Therapy) in the Eckroth Plaza.


Then we visited my Aunt Ronda at MDU in downtown Bismarck. At lunchtime we met Caitlyn and Corey at Subway where Kya charmed every customer. After lunch we headed up to MDU Resources to see Corey's gang. MDU Resources was such fun because almost every employee hands out candy, so Kya got to trick-or-treat all around his floor. She filled up her bag!

Then we went to the grocery store. And then we made our last stop to see Uncle Andrew at the state water department.

After a great nap in the car on the way home, we spent a beautiful afternoon outside enjoying a 66°F sunny day (no wind!).




After dinner at home, Corey, Kya and I headed out for a few 'real' trick-or-treating stops. We went to Corey's friend Eric Miller's house and to our relatives, Bob and Kristen, and Bill and Sandy's homes.

Here are the most adorable Vander Vorst kiddos I've ever seen: Kya (19 months) as a rag doll, Lauryn (5 months) and Parker (4 1/2) as pirates.

Happy Halloween!

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In other news, Kya seems to be completely healed from her cold and ear infection. Hurray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great costume Erica...Kya looked adorable! Glad you all had a great Halloween!


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