Where oh where has November gone?

Another busy few weeks here in the Hager house. Among the busyness, Kya is getting funnier and more grownup everyday. I'd be lying if I said I have nothing else to post about, but that will come later ... when I have more time.
This evening, it's all about Miss Kya.
You all already know that Kya was a strawberry for Halloween.
What you may not know is that she and my cousin Parker were the cutest pair of trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

Kya got to play in the same tent Corey played in when he was a little boy. I'm trying to figure out how to make my own. It was THAT fun!
Ahem. Excuse this one. One day, at about six and a half months old (around the same time we started giving kya babyfood) I got rather sick and tired of changing poopy diapers. So when I saw that Kya was doing her business (and grunting to let me know) I scooped her up, took off her diaper, and held her over the toilet. And I'm proud to say that for the last month, we've changed no more than three poopy diapers. Corey's mom was nice enough to capture this one of Kya in action in Kenmare (haha). I think she'll love this photo 16 years from now.
It has quite the special attachment configuration, but rest assured, it was very sturdy. Kya was on her best behavior and never tried to escape.

I left Kya on the living room rug to play with her blocks for about 10 minutes while I fixed lunch. After about a minute, I hear her grunting. This is what I find. Kya must have rolled from where I left her, and scooted backwards until she was wedged (and very stuck) under the end table. What a stinker!

Today Corey, Kya and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings for an NDSU alumni gathering to cheer on the Bison football team. Here is Kya in her NDSU apparel ... which by the many comments we got regarding our adorable little boy ... makes her look rather boyish? We got some good laughs out of it!
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