This photo really says it all. Kya and I are getting along great. We're getting to know each other more everyday ... and every night, especially during those 3 am feedings!
Last Friday, my mom, Kya, and I went fishing at the creek on our land. We didn't catch anything, but we had a great time enjoying the beautiful weather.
I have to plug my baby carrier - it's an Ergo and I absolutely love it. Kya loves it too. It's ergonomically designed for baby and adult, and it's so comfy. I was able to feed Kya while she was in it - that's what I call super convenient ... and discreet.
Kya is definitely showing more of her personality. She is usually happy just laying on the floor staring at the windows. Just today she started to smile in response ... I'm convinced it not just a reflex smile, but a "real" smile.

We've been told about all the benefits of tummy time, so here is our documented evidence of Kya enjoying her tummy.

A funny thing about our daughter - she can frequently be found with her head tipped way back, and her neck in a very uncomfortable position.
Apparently she enjoys this position so much because it helps counter her acid reflux (thanks to my sister for helping us solve this mystery). Poor thing. Well, at least she found something that helps.
Here we are today.
And yes, I coordinated our outfits. I'm just a few short months away from matching dresses and sunbonnets. I'm just kidding. Seriously.
I sure have two cute girls!
Thanks for posting pictures! She is beautiful. And you are, too :]
You'll coordinate dresses LOL I'm betting on it :D Love the pics, thanks for sharing!
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