Corey went for a quick drive around the loop just east of our house (along the river) and happened to spot a moose! This was quite the excitement around our house. I've dreamed of seeing a moose in this area — and one finally wandered through!
My parents and grandparents came out to take a look, and my Mom got some amazing photos of the moose. (thanks Mom!)
Earlier in the week, my mom was at our house and we were watching 6 bald eagles feed on something in the field east of us, across the railroad tracks. And one day, Corey and Reagan were on our back lawn and a bald eagle was in the closest tree!
And of course, the geese are returning, so we've been seeing and hearing lots of geese. It's been quite the week for wildlife around here.
Kya said: It's feels so funny to not wear a coat!
This little lady is very happy with the warm weather.
This fellow hasn't seen the light of day since October. Just like his big sister - he loves being outside.
Miss Reagan is excited for the warm weather too!
We hiked down to the creek and pond (both frozen over). Good thing we went down yesterday ... after the warm evening, both the creek and pond are completely covered with water today. I'm sure the ice is thick under the water, but it would be near impossible for us to explore on it now.
More critters! The beavers seem to have returned (Kya is peeking in the hole/door).
Once I get over the initial fear of walking on ice, I remember that the frozen pond is quite possibly the most fantastic place to explore.
. . .
Perfect first day of 'spring'!