So I knew it was time to update this blog when my darling husband (who I didn't even know had time to read my blog) kindly asked for a blog update. Then today I received the sweetest e-mail from the amazing woman that taught me how to quilt many years ago in California (hi MaryJo!). I think she was curious if our family fell off the face of the earth. Or froze up here at the top of the earth?
It warmed my heart that someone reads this. Hello!
My explanation for all those who are curious: two kids are
so much more work than one kid. In the best ways of course. Kya told me "mom you need more arms" ... I could't agree more.
I'm happy to report that (although busy) we're getting along perfectly! We all adore Gavin, and he seems to adore us, especially Kya.
Thanks to my iPhone and Instagram, I have a quick and random glimpse of our life the past couple months. Please enjoy this 'appetizer' while I organize the other gazillion photos/words/thoughts from October and today.
My sidekick.
They are already the best of friends. I hope they always will be.
This one is for you Mary Jo :)
Right after snapping this photo, she told me she missed summer.
Giggles and cuddles in big sister's bed.
Kya loves playing cards. The only card games we have are Crazy 8s and Go Fish. We play them a lot. Kya has proven to be quite the card shark. Corey and I are anxious to teach her pinochle.
This little guy always has me laughing.
Kya is completely obsessed with learning and school so we've had a lot of fun with tracing books, and learning letters and numbers. Oh and she started preschool in January. Keep and eye out for that blog post coming soon.
Cold weather = lots of living room forts
Gavin (l) and Charlie (r) were due date twins and my friend Brianna and I had fun chatting throughout our pregnancies. It is even more fun to get our boys together now that they're out in the world. Charlie arrived a week after Gavin but long ago passed him up in height and weight.
Snowed in on a Sunday. These two made the day more magical than the blizzard out our door.
The blizzard out our door. (view from our dining room)
Funny story: Kya and I usually have a healthy morning snack of yogurt, fruit, or vegetables. She definitely knows the difference between healthy food and junk food. I was in the shower and came out to find her sitting on the couch with an ice cream pail of chocolate chips. She told me that since I was busy, she made snack today. This kid takes after her Grandpa Z.
... and then I moved all the chocolate chips up two shelves in the pantry.
Fun hair do' for preschool.
Love this little man. Even if he does think his Bison Booties are for eating.
Growing up too fast!