Miss Kya celebrated her nine-months birthday on Monday. She's been with us for 18 months: nine months in, and nine months out.

Kya is learning new tricks every day.
Just this week she learned to pull herself up.
In her crib.
While I was out of the room.
The landmark event resulted in a crib fall for the little miss.
It was quite a scare, but thankfully she's doing just fine (thanks to a well-carpeted bedroom floor). Conveniently, we had a doctor in our house at the time of the fall, so that put many of our concerns to rest right away.
Still no teeth for Kya ... but she's actively chewing on anything and everything - even Grandma's iPhone.

Kya is a curious little monkey. She scoots/crawls into every nook and cranny of the house to inspect even the tiniest little piece of dust.
Here she is inspecting the diaper bag. She was digging out her veggie puffs. This little girl likes food more than I do. Now that is impressive. She eats anything we put in front of her, even tofu, blueberries, avocado, yogurt, curry rice, carrots, purple cabbage, bread/toast, and pickles. I'm also still nursing her - we both enjoy or quiet little cuddle breaks during the day.

Kya is definitely a little social butterfly. She loves spending time with Parker and our other young cousins and friends. She does not like to see her friends sad, though. When sensitive little Kya sees another baby cry or fuss, within a few seconds, Kya puts herself into a deafening screaming fit.
Yesterday Grandma ReNay and I took Kya to the well baby check up for her height and weight (just out of curiosity). Kya is 18 lbs, 1 oz and 27.5 inches long (both are at exactly the 50th percentile mark).
Last night Kya slept from 7:30 pm until 7 am (at which point I woke her up because I was concerned something was wrong). Usually she wakes up once or twice between 7 pm and 7 am.
Kya is the happiest baby I know. She takes great naps. And when she is awake, she is a silly little goof ball. I love her more than anything.