Oh my this is embarrassing. This is only my second blog post this month. Wow.
At least I can honestly say that I have been busy. New baby. Moving. Building a house.
Kya is wonderful and growing faster than I ever thought possible. She even rolled over from her tummy to back - twice! I know, it's crazy. She's only 6 week old.
I'll post all about Kya in another post ... after I sort through the 1,000s of photos of her on my computer.
Now for some house talk.
Here is a photo timeline:

March 21: surveying

March 23: ground breaking

March 26: basement footings

March 30: basement forms
April 12: basement back-filled

April 15: garage floor and basement poured
April 22: floor trusses in, and exterior walls going up

April 25: all exterior walls up

April 27: some interior walls framed
May 11: we have a roof!

May 11: ready for shingles, windows, and siding

May 15: shingles are on

... shingles

more shingles (view from hwy 1806)

May 17: windows are all installed

windows are in and we're ready for siding

the back

Well that catches us up to today. Tomorrow will be another busy day at the house.
Here are a few more snapshots of our house building journey:

This represents the many hours of color matching and lighting selections ... I can't wait to see them come to life.

We'll also have a
geothermal heat pump. It's far from new technology, but it somehow makes me feel cutting edge. Go figure.

Here are Corey and Kya checking out the master bathrrom shower.

Our siding is here and the house will soon be red.

Oops. How did this sneak in? Here's our happy baby Kya.